Tag: food

New Clean Eating eGuide! Only $9.99


Ready to remove the ingredients from your kitchen that may be making you unhealthy and overweight?  There are many ingredients that are added to our modern food supply which contribute to a slow building toxic environment within our bodies. In my latest 6 page eGuide, I talk about many of these ingredients and explain what healthier choices you can make to create a healthy internal environment that will show on the outside. It is simple really, remove the artificial ingredients and man made “junk” that has become common and almost expected in our food, and replace it with real, whole food you can trust. Buy the eGuide today and be on your way to a cleaner diet.   Buy Now!


A Fresh and Fit New You in the New Year!

Christmas is almost here and the new year is fast approaching. Whether you are in the gym daily and watching what you eat or want to start eating a more healthy diet, this time of year makes most dieters weary of gaining the dreaded holiday pounds. I am here to tell you, let it go. Enjoy the holidays with your family and the wonderful foods, like Christmas cookie recipes handed down through generations. Christmas is a time for traditions and a very big one is the foods we eat this special time of year.  Don’t try to deprive yourself by following  a strict diet or eating only vegetables while your family is chugging down the eggnog. That is no way to spend this time of year. Your diet will be there tomorrow, and so will the gym. Savor the food in front of you and every moment with your loved ones.

If you are looking to make another New Years resolution to lose weight, I would like to suggest resolving to eat a cleaner diet. This is what works for me personally. By choosing to buy the cleanest sources of the food I love, I have lost weight.  I recommend instead of going on a crash diet after the holidays, clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Throw out the foods with artificial ingredients and colors, preservatives, processed ingredients, boxes of packaged foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce, and foods with added sugar or multiple sugars on the label (Ex: Corn syrup, sugar, molasses, High fructose corn syrup). And add back fresh organic vegetables, fruits, meat, and dairy you can reach for when you are hungry.  Resolve to not buy what I like to call “Fake Food” anymore. I think changing your mindset to eat only clean foods with few ingredients on the label will be the easiest diet to follow. Because it really isn’t a diet at all. It is eating food the way nature intended before modern man got a hold of it.  Weight loss and better health are two benefits I believe you will achieve by cleaning up your diet.

To a fresh and fit new you in the new year!

Happy Holidays!

What are Calories?


Everyone has heard of the saying “calories in and calories out” when referring to weight loss. This means that we must consume less calories or burn more calories than we take in in order to lose weight. But what are calories, why do we need them, and where do they come from? Calories are units of energy. The unit used for measuring foods is called a kilo calorie. It is the amount of heat  energy needed to raise the temperature of a liter of water 1 degree C. Calories are essential to our growth and development and for the repairs made to our tissues by the types of nutrients containing calories.  The energy or calories we eat all come from the sun. Plants store the energy as they grow and when we eat plants like fruit, vegetables and grains we obtain that energy for fuel our bodies use to function every day. When we consume animal meat it works the same way, the animals which have eaten plants containing compounds of energy from the sun store that energy within their tissues.
Now onto where calories in our meals come from. Calories in foods are measured in grams. There are 3 sources of calories in our diet. Carbohydrates yield 4 calories per gram, Protein also has 4 grams, and Fat contains 9 calories per gram. Alcohol, if consumed, also contributes calories (7 per gram) but is not considered a source of nutrients. Protein, fat and carbohydrates are energy yielding nutrients that all play essential roles in the structures of our bodies. I will talk more  in depth on nutrients and their roles in a future blog post.