Tag: Apple sauce

Calorie Saving Food Swaps



Often times when trying to cut calories and make healthy choices you may find it very hard to give up the foods you love and crave. With these simple swaps you don’t have to feel deprived and can still stay fresh and fit! I will continue to offer tips on food swaps in future articles.
1. Substitute applesauce for oil in baking recipes–  This will trim hundreds of calories off your recipe as well as fat. If a recipe calls for 1/2 c vegetable oil use 1/2 c of applesauce instead. You may feel you need to add a tablespoon of oil back to achieve the desired texture of the food, but you will still save a ton of calories.
2. Substitute lean ground turkey or chicken for ground beef–   This one also packs a double whammy saving you fat and calories. Just make sure the package says “lean” or “extra lean”. Sometimes regular turkey and chicken can have just as much calories and fat as regular ground beef, so it is important to read your food labels.  You can substitute lean ground chicken or turkey in burgers when grilling, in meatloaf, and even tacos and chili. If you want to go a step further, look for packages that say “Organic”, this means the chickens were not fed additives or given antibiotics/ hormones and  are treated humane.
3.  Substitute baked sweet potato fries for packaged potato fries or white potatoes–  Many times packaged frozen french fries seem like a good and convenient choice, but most commercial brands have oil and preservatives. If you make your own baked sweet potato fries you will have control over how much oil you use ( if any) and it will be preservative free. Sweet potatoes are also full of fiber, potassium, beta carotene and vitamin C, making  them an ideal swap for white potatoes. Another bonus, they cover the salty/sweet craving!
4. Substitute frozen chocolate covered bananas for Ice Cream–  This is a huge swap nutritionally and a huge calorie saver for your waistline. What makes chocolate covered bananas a dieters best friend is they come in a single serving size direct from nature. This makes counting the calories a cinch. Store bought chocolate covered bananas contain an average of 130-270  calories per banana, around 6 grams of fat, and virtually no cholesterol, compared to a 1/2 cup of ice cream which contains 300 calories, 20 grams of fat and 105 mg of cholesterol! That is an incredible swap. And let’s face it, no one eats only 1/2  a cup of ice cream. You can even make your own chocolate covered bananas using dark chocolate and chopped almonds or walnuts. Or make your own “ice cream” out of  frozen bananas by blending them with a little peanut butter or chocolate protein powder. Either option will give into your craving for a frozen sweet treat without sabotaging your diet!