Tag: processed oils

Canola: Dangerous Oil in Disguise


What is it? Canola oil is derived from the rape seed, a plant belonging to the mustard seed family. It is a processed oil. Canola oil is a genetically modified substance. I am even skeptical of organic canola oil.

What is it used for? Canola oil is widely used for cooking, baking, and deep frying. In restaurants, vegetarian and vegan dishes are often fried in canola oil instead of beef fat/oil. Many non-vegans even opt to have their food fried in canola oil and request it in restaurants. Because of beef fats negative connotation, they believe canola oil is a healthier choice. It is made from a plant so it must be healthy for me right? Wrong. Canola oil is also further processed using hydrogenation to make packaged foods like cookies, crackers, and cereals. So it goes from a potentially harmful processed oil to an already-known-to-be-harmful trans-fat!

What are the negative effects?  Many have argued that canola oil is rich in omega fatty acids 3,6, and 9, and is low in saturated fat. While this may be true, it is like saying that Kool-aid is a super food because it contains vitamin C. The possible negative effects and health risks far outweigh any benefits. And the few benefits it does offer can be obtained from a healthier oil without the added risks, like olive oil. The problem is, canola oil’s health repercussions seem to take years to pop up. It is a cumulative effect through years of consuming the oil. The other problem is that it is in so many of the foods we eat today, so it is difficult to avoid.

Some possible side effects of Canola oil:

. Depleted Vitamin E absorption

. Growth retardation

. Tremors

. Slurred speech

. Memory loss, confusion

. Heart problems

. Nervousness

. Lowered immune system response

.  Obesity?(GASP!) Could there be any correlation with the fact that McDonald’s now fries their french fries in a canola oil blend?!? They used to use beef fat. As I mentioned earlier, canola oil just sounds healthier to the public. So why are they fatter (and sicker) than ever?

And these are just to name a few.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to take my chances.  It may take years, if ever, for genetically modified foods to be illegal in the U.S. I have seen all the evidence I need to avoid these foods. There will always be a new scientist working on behalf of Monsanto to disprove the claims against GE foods and man made oils. Make up your own mind and educate yourself. Empowerment is the best way to take a stand, starting at the grocery store.