Tag: Prop 37

Genetically Modified Organisms

Grains are the most commonly eaten food group in the American diet. It is also the food group that we are recommended to have the most servings of every day according to the food pyramid. Yet most people have never heard of  GMO’s or Genetically modified organisms. GMO’s are in over 80 percent of the corn, soybean, and cottonseed oil cultivated in American crops. These ingredients are found in common cereals (organic or not) and in 70% of processed foods.  Even more surprising is that over 40 countries require labeling on all products which contain GMO’s. But America still does not require this labeling. More and more studies are finding health risks possibly linked with the consumption of genetically modified foods. And there are still unknown risks of what new diseases these GMO’s may cause. Below are links that may be helpful in finding out more about genetically modified foods and common brands that have genetically modified ingredients.

Dr. Mercola Videos on cereal and granola with GMO’s

Natural News article on GMO’s