Tag: beef jerky

Primal Pacs- Paleo on the go!


I would like to start off my latest product recommendation by expressing my past frustrations with buying dried fruit. I have put countless packages of dried fruit items back on the shelf since becoming a “Clean-Mostly Paleo” eater. I would turn the package around only to find that they added sugar to the already super sweet fruit, or even oil and preservatives. Buying beef jerky would have been out of the question, because I had no trust in what the animal was fed and how it was processed. I questioned if it was ever meat to began with after reading the ingredient lists on popular beef jerky brands.

So that brings me to Primal Pacs. I am very excited to share these Primal goodie bags with you. That’s exactly what they are. Primal Pacs are a Gluten-Free, Preservative- Free, Grain- Free, Dairy-Free snack or pre/post workout fuel.  If I have learned one thing from the Paleo/Primal lifestyle, it is that its devotees LOVE to eat. And most of them also follow a rigorous workout routine that is anything but typical. So it only seems natural that Primal Pacs would serve up 24 grams of protein, and that’s in one of their small pacs! To make Primal Pacs pack an even bigger nutritional punch, Most of that protein comes from the organic grass-fed beef jerky, which is unbelievably moist and flavorful. Grass-fed beef (full of Omega-3s and CLA) is a staple in any clean eaters diet, so it is nice to have a portable snack food that incorporates it. I will be taking them with me when I hit the trails hiking, stair climbing and mountain biking this summer. I found that they are great to combat the craving for something salty-sweet. The pacs are also filling without slowing you down and great for keeping blood sugar stable between meals. They even come in a convenient resealable pouch.

Luckily for us, we aren’t living in the Paleolithic Era anymore, so you can order Primal Pacs on your computer and have them sent to your doorstep! Click the Primal Pacs logo below and fuel up!

Don’t forget to like Primal Pacs on Facebook!



Fresh and Fit Followers! If you would like to try the Primal goodness for yourself,  leave a comment below! I only have a few to share, so I will pick random followers and send them their pacs!

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